Thursday, 19 March 2009

What about the organizations involved and the project's objectives

The involved organizations are: Associazione Interculturale Nur (sending org.)and Gradea Ong(host organization).

Assonur is a non profit asociation active in the field of intercultural integration promoting and realizing cultural events, training experiences and informative seminars for the youth of Sardinia.
Its main fields of activity are the promotion of exchanges between cultures, the fight against all forms of racism and xenophobia, international youth mobility.

Gradea Ong (acronym for Granito de Arena or Little Grain of Sand) is a non governamental organization dedicated to the promotion and protection of the enviroment and their inhabitants.
Most of its work has been developed in Costa Rica in colaboration with Ngobe and Brunka indigenous communities

What about the project's objectives?
Our main activities are related to the promotion of the ecotourism in indigenous territories.
We draw a map of the communities and we interview different families to investigate about their needs and availability to recive tourists.
We are doing some craft activities like learning to make sombreros , belts, coconut's oil, tour in the forest to discover differents kinds of animals and plants.

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