Friday, 20 March 2009

What do have to do if I want to participate in the European Voluntary service?

web site for informations about the project and the European voluntary service
Euopean commission site(looks at youth mobility) for further informations

Everyone can do it(especially in Europe), everyone can enjoy this chance!And don t forget the program 2007-2013 youth in action organize as well seminars in foreign country for 1 week for promote the european citizienship.
Good luck!

Football in Alto Guami....supporting the team!!
Tipic indigenous womens's dress (Alto Carona)

School in Alto Carona( Playa la Palma, 1 hour walk to Alto Guaymi)

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Interwiewing the museum workers.

Terraba experience

I m really glad to explain what the Terraba experience was for me.
This community is not included in our project, but the leader Mr Paoliño Najera, gave us the possibility to stay with him for 3 days and investigate his plan.
This man is the first indigena who obteined a bank loan and now he is the leader of "The rincon ecologico".It 's a place where he is sowing planning trees and producing fruits and vegetables without fertilizer.Here you can also find fishing fam and a mountain hut where wery often a lot of volunters come for take advantage of Paoliño's teachings.
If I have to be honest, it was quite difficult staying there, because of the very hard work, but talk with him is one of the best souvenir that I have.
The world is fighting against cancer, here one man cured himself with plants recommended by Mr.Paoliño Najera.

About me and the project

Hi everybody, my name is Alessia and I would like to introduce my self.I'm 23 years old, I'm studying political science and human rights in Padova .I'm living the word.I have been working and studying for 3 years in Spain, Ireland and France..and now in Costa Rica.When I came back in Italy one years ago for my thesis, I promised to my self that I will not travel for a bit, but after a while I understood that was not possible for me to stop. So I' m carrying on with my studies and working for something in I belive: Equal possiblities for everybody!

So, now I m' in Costa Rica.The european voluntary service is giving us the possibility to know another culture, travel in the other part of the word and help in main activities like the promotion of a responsible tourism in harmony with the nature, learn the language of the indigenous, ngobe and brunka and, of course, improve our spanish.In particular this project intends to give to us the opportunity to contribute with indigenous communities in their cultural and environmental strengthening and diffusion, promoting cultural exchange, involvement of cultural minorities, rural development, international cooperation and Youth in Action.The present project will take place in Heredia, Costa Rica, next to the capital city San José and mainly in Southern Costa Rica, in direct collaboration with the Ngäbe indigenous communities of Punta Burica and Osa Peninsula, living in one of the most preserved and biodiverse regions of the country and of the world, but at the same time with social, economic and geographical obstacles, as well as educational difficulties and important cultural differences.The main activities of this voluntary project are related to the promotion of educative, cultural and community-based ecotourism in indigenous territories. These include: to undertake a systematization of ecotouristic activities in the indigenous territories, strengthening pre-existing activities that contribute to cultural and environmental rescue, thru workshops, defining for each activity, possible promotion mechanisms and designing and carrying out the training in the territories. In addition, new cultural and environmental ecotouristic activities will be identified and designed to incorporate them to the community tourism program.

The activities will also give us the possibility to discover, know and understand other cultures and other ways of life, by better understanding different existing realities in the world and taking some action, as well as to better recognize themselves as a mutual understanding between people from different countries and cultures.

For fulfill that we will give english lesson to the child of the school, and we will offer to the adults cours for be able to be a guide of them territory and we will draw a touristic map of the territory.

In the next intervention I will explain what about the indigenous , the protagonist of this wonderfull experience!

What about the organizations involved and the project's objectives

The involved organizations are: Associazione Interculturale Nur (sending org.)and Gradea Ong(host organization).

Assonur is a non profit asociation active in the field of intercultural integration promoting and realizing cultural events, training experiences and informative seminars for the youth of Sardinia.
Its main fields of activity are the promotion of exchanges between cultures, the fight against all forms of racism and xenophobia, international youth mobility.

Gradea Ong (acronym for Granito de Arena or Little Grain of Sand) is a non governamental organization dedicated to the promotion and protection of the enviroment and their inhabitants.
Most of its work has been developed in Costa Rica in colaboration with Ngobe and Brunka indigenous communities

What about the project's objectives?
Our main activities are related to the promotion of the ecotourism in indigenous territories.
We draw a map of the communities and we interview different families to investigate about their needs and availability to recive tourists.
We are doing some craft activities like learning to make sombreros , belts, coconut's oil, tour in the forest to discover differents kinds of animals and plants.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

What is European Voluntary service?

European Voluntary Service offers young people the opportunity to volunteer abroad for a period of two to twelve months. It provides young Europeans with the possibility to express them-selves through unpaid and full-time voluntary activities in a foreign country inside or outside the EU. The objective of the programme is develop solidarity, mutual understanding and tolerance among young people and it contribute to reinforcing social cohesion in the European Union and to promoting young people's active citizenship.
EVS is a true ‘learning service’. Beyond benefiting the local communities, by participating in voluntary activities, young volunteers can develop new skills and improve their personal aptitudes. Volunteers can benefit from specific training through out the activity and agree on their expected learning outcomes, processes and methods in advance. Their learning experience is formally recognised through a Youthpass. Participation is free.