Saturday 18 April 2009

Sorry.We will be closed untill the 16 of May...

Sorry.We will be closed untill the 16 of May...
I'm leaving the capital another time , for the last time, this is the last travel.
In alto guaymi's community we have not internet(but now maybe a mobile..yuppi!!!), so I will write my last post when I will go back.Sad and happy.I'm very tired, and I need to eat pasta!!!(rise and beans are my nightmare now)But in any case it will be very difficult say bye-bye them(or adios??).Guamy's community touch our soul , and was not just a job, but a life way.Chevar(do the siesta), exchange with them different opinion , learn about the nature, the culture, and the children.Ok, maybe is better if I stop, I'm going to be too sad!
So guys, have a good month!see you!!!Pura vida!!

1 comment:

  1. ciao alessia! sono contenta che tu mi abbia contattata! il tuo è davvero un super blog! io invece ho qualche probelmino a far decollare il mio perchè sono proprio negata con il pc!
    avrei un sacco di foto da pubblicare ma non so proprio come fare.. heeelllpppp!!!
    spero di incontarti un giorno a padova!
    in bocca al lupo per la tua esperienza!
    un abbraccio dal Sud Africa!
